
Last Edit: 2004-05-06 09:20:35 | Version: 5Edit

What this site is

So you've stumbled upon this site and are wondering what its here for. Right now, it doesn't offer much but that might change at some point. As a programmer and web developer I use this site as a platform to test new software and ideas. For instance the engine powering this site is a combination of bBlog, TextWiki and some custom scripts. I built this site primarily to test out these new tools.

What this site is not

Although I use blogging tools to run my site, it is not a journal of my entire life. You will not find useless comments about what I had for breakfast or what I did over the weekend (unless it pertains to something being reviewed). If that�s what you're looking for then go somewhere else. Try one of these sites instead.... http://www.blogger.com or http://cafelog.com/poweredbyb2.php

Contact Me

All of my contact info can be found here

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2nd Door Enterprises
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